UST Removal + Remediation
Project Description
The Problem
Ambleside Environmental (Ambleside) was engaged to provide soil characterization certification for soil to be shipped offsite from a residential redevelopment. Soil characterization ensures soil shipped to soil receiving facilities meets permit requirements. Upon Ambleside’s investigation, a former Underground Storage Tank (UST) removal was uncovered (i.e. fill sand). Hydrocarbon impacted soils were identified within this area. Due to the excavation schedule for the redevelopment, Ambleside was required to expedite all engineering work to reduce significant project delays. During excavation of contaminated material, it was identified that hydrocarbon contamination had migrated offsite and onto the adjacent neighboring property.
The Solution
Ambleside contacted local government agencies and established that a tank removal permit had been purchased prior to property transaction. Following tank removal, an environmental consultant had instructed this authority that no further action was recommended. Following site-specific background due diligence, Ambleside helped guide the excavation contractor in remediation as well as delineating the extent to which the contamination had spread. Through onsite field screening methodology and laboratory soils analysis, Ambleside removed the contamination identified onsite. Onsite closure sampling at the property line determined that contamination had migrated offsite, and onto the neighboring property. Ambleside notified the neighboring property owner, as well as governing authorities, and completed offsite remediation.
The Benefits
Both onsite and offsite impacted soils were managed in an expeditious manner without significant delay. Ambleside protected both humans and the environment by ensuring no contaminated soil was relocated to unauthorized and/or unpermitted facilities (e.g. parkland/residential/agricultural sites). By completing concurrent investigation and remediation using onsite machinery, significant costs and delays were avoided which allowed the expedited construction schedule to be maintained. Ambleside completed a proper site investigation of the removed UST and notified all applicable governing bodies.