Double UST Removal + Remediation

Project Description

The Problem

Ambleside Environmental (Ambleside) was engaged to remove two gasoline underground storage tanks, and subsequently design and implement a remediation plan around two removed gasoline underground storage tanks at an old automotive service station in in Vancouver, BC.

The Solution

Ambleside completed the project using a total project management approach.  All phases of the project were either completed by Ambleside project managers, engineers, field staff, or contractor sub-trades.

Prior to the removal of the tanks, required municipal permits were obtained.  Tanks were removed as per industry standard and an environmental investigation of the surrounding soils was performed by Ambleside field staff.  Analysis of soils samples indicated concentrations of regulated contaminants exceeded applicable standards.   A remediation plan was developed and implemented.  The remediation plan included the excavation and removal the contaminated soil offsite to an approved treatment facility.

Once soil was removed, Ambleside field staff collected closure soil samples to determine the remaining soil onsite met applicable standards.  Required documentation regarding the tank removal and remediation was completed, and subsequently submitted to the City of Vancouver and BC Ministry of Environment.

The Benefits

Total project management ensured the most effective and cost effective outcome for this site. Working within complex site restrictions, the project was still delivered within the required time and budget, clearly demonstrating the project management skills of Ambleside Environmental. Regulatory site criteria were met efficiently, on budget and within required timeframes. Ambleside’s management of the remediation plan successfully achieved the site criteria and prevented further contamination of surrounding soil and groundwater.

Christa Rutherford